How to move Windows 11 taskbar icons to the Bottom-Left

How to move Windows 11 taskbar icons to the Bottom-Left

Did you update from Windows 10 to 11 recently? Chances are that you might not be comfortable with the new layout yet. Perhaps, you're one of those people who get attached to a particular design, just like me. If you have updated to Windows 11, you must've seen a subtle change in the position of the taskbar icons at the bottom of the screen. 

The taskbar icons appear in the bottom middle of the screen now in Windows 11. Well, it may not be an issue for most users but if you have mild symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder like me, you will find it excruciatingly annoying by this small change. I mean for Chrissakes Microsoft, Stop copying the MacOS design, please. Ahh, the good ol' windows 10 days (sighs**).

Anyway, While you may be getting nostalgic over the old design. I have good news for you folks. The taskbar icons can be replaced to their original position in Windows 11. Here's a step-by-step process to get back our beloved old design.

  1. Right-click anywhere on the taskbar and click on the Taskbar Settings option in the pop-up menu. If you can even call that a menu (I mean it just has one option).
  2. You will be directed straight to the Taskbar > Personalization screen. You can add/remove some of the things that appear on the taskbar, including Search, Task View, Widgets, and Chat, from this menu, which can help keep it tidy. 
  3. Next, Look for the Option Taskbar behaviors at the bottom of this screen. Simply click on this section to expand it, then change the taskbar alignment to 'Left' and you're done! 

For those people who like the center position of the taskbar icons. You guys already have it as default. however, if you find it on the left and want it at the center. Just set the taskbar alignment back to 'Center'. You can also choose whether the taskbar appears on all of your displays and whether it is automatically hidden from the options below that.

If you're new to Windows 11 and are facing minor inconveniences and problems you can click this link to find out how to resolve your issues. 
